Summer Meadow Scene with Trees, Flowers, and a Path
Summer Meadow Scene with Trees, Flowers, and a Path
Mountains Covered in Snow and Colorful Pine Trees
I'm someone who hates the winter season.
How about you?
Boosts are welcome!
“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
― Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder
I keep walking to that same spot at the edge of the field, knowing exactly where to stand in those few meters and waiting at the last moment to turn my head to the right, knowing exactly what I will see. And yet the view is amazing every time. I have dozens of roughly similar photos of this wave of trees but which are also unique depending on the seasons, the light and the activities in the field. I love to travel and see new landscapes but I also agree with Rachel Carson: there is something extremely reassuring and calming about repetition and consistency, not only in nature, but in photography and life.
The "Wave" in May, July, October 2024 and February 2025.
“How do you address children who don’t celebrate Tu Bishvat, Purim, or Pesach?"
This is an excellent question as we approach busy #holiday #seasons like Purim, Pesach, Shavuot, all that. It is extremely important to be mindful and respectful of everyone’s wishes as far as #celebrating #holidays or not celebrating holidays.
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Favourite Things to do in the Winter
#WritingCommunity #WriterCommunity #BloggingCommunity #BloggerCommunity #WednesdayWeeklyBloggingChallenge #Challenge #Wednesday #blog #Winter #Seasons #Snow #reading #puzzles
Happy #Autumn
#Reflections on Durrance Lake, in the Highlands.
In what month of the year do #suicide rates peak in the United States?
Contrary to what I have heard, @CDC data suggests that deaths by suicide have been remarkably similar month-to-month over the past five years:
Back from my early morning #hike in the local #NationalPark (yes, it is!) Hollandse Duinen… this time a cool but sunny morning… springy almost!
Yesterday a Cloud, Now a Droplet
Change is the heart of nature. This photo captures water's quiet journey from sky to leaf, a single moment of autumn's constant transformation. Each droplet tells a story of impermanence, resting on the Ginkgo leaves.
Nothing says ‘Fall is here’ quite like the smell of first season dust burning in the space heaters. *cough* *cough*
It used to be the PSL announcement but I feel like that started in like July this year. Not that I’m complaining - take your PSL vitriol somewhere else haters.
Pete Buttigieg Explains the Difference Between Climate Change and Seasons to Republican Lawmaker
A matter of rule I've learned:
Above 30° & below -30° it becomes silent outside. No puttering in yard noise, no dogs bark, & even the birds are quiet.
That's my cue to go back into ac
one of my fave #MidwinterTunes, for any Antipodean chums
I don't think it's really a Xmas song
Dion Parker - Footprints in the Snow
I feel like that's just being really really optimistic, Iceland.
"In Iceland, the first day of summer, a national holiday, falls on the first Thursday after April 18."